Jesus is the Jewish messiah. He is also the messiah of all the nations. Jesus is the Son of God who has always existed eternally as the Son of God in the form of the Word of God. For us and our salvation He came down from heaven and became flesh, God incarnated in human nature. Jesus tabernacled amongst us and showed us what we could not see: the image of the invisible God.
The word messiah means anointed one or chosen one. This is where we get the word Christ from which comes from the Greek word “christos” which means to anoint. The key question is: what was Jesus anointed to do? He is anointed to be the king of Israel, the king of the nations, the Lord of God’s divine council. He was anointed to die for the sins of the world and to be raised up on the third day. He was anointed to ascend into heaven. All of these Yeshua achieved and He will come back again in glory to judge the living and the dead.
His original name in Hebrew with which He was dedicated in the temple of Adonai is Yeshua. His full name and title is Yeshua Ha Mashiach-Jesus the messiah in English. In Hebrew Yeshua means the Lord’s salvation. So, Yeshua’s name declares God’s name and His purpose on the earth. Therefore, in being called Yeshua, Jesus is declaring that He belongs to God, He is God’s Son, He is God’s anointed one to bring salvation and that He is almighty God who came in the flesh. Yeshua is the king of kings and the Lord of Lord’s, amen!
Salvation means to be saved from something. We require and need salvation in this fallen world. We are in a state of death, we are in a state of sin. Sin is the description of acting and breaking the laws and commandments of God. Original sin is the original transgression committed by Adam which led to our death and rebellion in the world. This is ungodliness. Ungodliness is the act of rejecting God and choosing our own way. Ungodliness leads to unrighteousness which is the breaking of God's laws. The key factor for humanity is that not only are we in a state of separation with God but we are in rebellion against God. This means unless we grab hold of the salvation and redemption that God has provided, we will suffer eternal separation from God and be cast into the lake of fire.
Our redemption is intended to redeem and save not only our soul but also our body and in fact raise us up to be in communion with God and be partakers of the divine nature. God’s motivation for saving us is that God loves us. God is love and we have the definition of what love is: That God loved us and sent His only Son from heaven to be a propitiation(means to cover sin and appease God's wrath) for our sins and be raised from the dead for our justification. Therefore, we become Son’s of God by adoption, we reign with Jesus as friends, brothers and servants of the Lord. Our salvation is found solely in the person and work of Jesus the messiah.
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